Inspired Living

Dance Yoga Massage Nature Music Visuals


Beitostølen, Norway. FB group: Yoga, Dans & Massasje

Welcome to feel good sessions at

Beito Grendahus Thursdays from 18:00

Let's Dance!

Step by step to a variety of music

45 min / 100 NOK

Yoga Flow & Relax

Strength, flexibility & harmony

75 min / 150 NOK

Chill Out Massage

Pr 15 min / 150 NOK 


I enjoy creating musical projects. Here with one of my new songs, Holdin´Poem. Much more to discover on my channels


My Songs

All melodies, lyrics, vocals & productions I make myself.

The beats & instrumentals are

the work of other musical souls around the world. I upload the pieces on this platform:

Soundcloud (FREE)



Four seasons. Out & About. The nature got it all! I`m a dancer by heart & yogini in spirit. Joyfully giving a chill out massage. By surprise I became my own songwriter & producer. And with a smile a plant food lover. Freedom is my great delight. So I have a little van. Roadtripping, breating nature. Kayaking & surfing the cutest river. Snowboarding in fluffy white gold. Eagerly icebathing in the beautiful Norwegian mountains. Openminded & social yet introverted in my happy escape. From life I also know depths of shadowland. And the taste of rich chocolate. So delicious